Happy Valentine's Day!!! Okay, this is one day late, but whatever! On Wednesday, two of my classes focused on love; which I found ironic. In Family Relations, we discussed the true definition of love and dating. Dating is supposed to be broken into four different categories: Dating, Courtship, Engagement, and Marriage. Dating is trying to find the person you want to get to know better. Courtship is when you decided on that one person that you want to get to know better to find out if you want to marry him. Engagement is obviously the time before marriage when you have committed to marrying the person of your affection. And finally, there is the ultimate commitment, marriage. We discussed how dating can show you if the person you are dating can be what you are looking for in a spouse. I found it interesting that dating corresponds with the Proclamation to the Family in that women are better at nurturing a relationship and men generally provide, preside, and protect. Brother Williams encouraged us to "take back the date!" I would love it if dating became more prevalent on ca

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