This week was quite eye opening. We discussed same-sex attraction and gender roles within the family. I watched a video that had some very feminist ladies in it and I had to laugh. These ladies were so funny in how serious they were! They discussed that the firefighter's physical requirements were being lowered to accommodate women and what that would mean in the case of a fire. What if a woman was not physically capable of carrying someone out of a building? One of the ladies said, "Well, she can pull the person out by the ankles, it is probably better for them on the ground anyways because there is less smoke there. Plus, hitting their head on the stairs will keep them conscious." Do not get me wrong, I think women should be able to work in their chosen career, but I do not want to be dragged down a staircase because the firefighter is not physically capable of carrying me. Anyways, we also discussed how some, not all, people begin to identify themselves as gay or lesbian. A lot of it begins in elementary school, when other kids think they are weird, so they label the kid as a "sissy" or "gay." I discussed this with my little sister and she was so sad that it would start that early. She is in second grade and I think she has realized that making fun of others is not nice or even okay to do. After all of the discussions this week, I feel that I understand gays and lesbians more, but I still do not condon

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